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Talking to AI Study Guide in Turkish

The purpose of this study guide is to inform readers about the rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence and to help them keep up with the developments.

Talking to AI Study Guide in Turkish

Price $10
About Content

Once upon a time, when we saw actors talking to computers in movies, we interpreted it as a fantastic science fiction.
But as time went by, technology developed and artificial intelligence and computers became a necessity in our modern world, like electricity and water.

The topics are explained in the clearest and most understandable way possible, avoiding technical jargon.
After reading the study guide, even those without a technical background can grasp the basics of what is called artificial intelligence.

In addition to topics related to how artificial intelligence can revolutionize our daily lives, the guide also answers the following important questions:

  • In which scenarios and with which techniques can you use artificial intelligence systems more efficiently?
  • What are our responsibilities for revolutionary artificial intelligence technology to become a utopia rather than a dystopia?

This study guide has currently been prepared only in Turkish.
If you would like it to be available in other languages, feel free to make a request, and we will consider it.

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+1 307 288 24 45

525 Randall Ave, Cheyenne
Wyoming 82001, United States

Yapracık, Etimesgut
Ankara 06815, Türkiye

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Milky Way
Local Group
Virgo Supercluster
Laniakea Supercluster
Cosmic Web
Observable Universe