Anatolia Solutions

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Products > Study Guides

Software English Vocabulary Study Guide in Turkish
and Practice Notebook

We have carefully selected 2222 words that are frequently used on the platform and that software developers may encounter in their daily lives.

Sofware English Vocabulary Study Guide in Turkish

Price $25
About Content

We have prepared a special compilation for you from StackOverflow, one of the largest knowledge sharing platforms in the software world.
These words consist of expressions that beginners and intermediate English speakers may not have learned yet,
but are frequently encountered in the technical world.
In this compilation, we present each word with a real sentence used on StackOverflow, along with its Turkish translation.

This study guide has currently been prepared only in Turkish.
If you would like it to be available in other languages, feel free to make a request, and we will consider it.

About Practice Notebook
Sofware English Vocabulary Practice Notebook

The Software English Review Practice Notebook is an effective tool for embedding words in your memory permanently.
By providing a systematic study environment and reinforcing your learning with multiple repetitions, it helps you build a strong memory.
This notebook is designed to help you learn words effectively and retain them for a long time.
It is offered for free along with the Software English Vocabulary Guide, and can also be purchased separately if desired.

learn more about software vocabulary practice notebook

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+1 307 288 24 45

525 Randall Ave, Cheyenne
Wyoming 82001, United States

Yapracık, Etimesgut
Ankara 06815, Türkiye

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